According to Peter Brabeck - Letmathe, Chairman of the Board of Nestle S.A. When asked how he viewed the consumer trend toward organic, slow and farmers market foods in Europe and the United States.
"You have to be rational," says Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Chairman of the Board of Nestlé S.A. "There's no way you can support life on earth if you go straight from farm to table.
He may feel that it is pointless and unsustainable, but in true *Follow the money* style, Nestle brand has changed it's motto to play down the candy it makes, and highlight their healthier products.
I wonder if instead of Brabeck-Letmathe feeling that organic food is unsustainable, perhaps he feels that real, healthy, unprocessed food is unsustainable for a behemoth, processed food company.
According to the Organic Trade Association, sales of organic food and beverages has grown from 1 billion in 1990, to 26.7 billion in 2010.
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August 25, 2011
I'm guessing he means that there is no way for every person on earth to grow their own food, or for small farms like those found at local markets, etc... to produce enough to keep the majority of humans on the planet fed. It's the growth of humanity that moved us toward huge food operations, and he's probably right that life AS WE KNOW IT would not continue if those operations were to shut down. Unless we're prepared to witness starvation in our hometowns like those being seen in Eastern Africa right now, it's NOT rational.