With so many convinience foods littering the aisle of the suppermarket, it is hard to know what is good for you and what's not. With your kids heading back to school, it is important that they are eating food that is good and good for them. These easy and healthy snack recipes can be made at home and are the perfect way to keep your kids fed and focused.
Kids will love dipping fresh veggies and baked pita chips into this Middle Eastern dip.
Chewy Granola Bars
These granola bars have everything you could want in a snack food: dried cherries, coconut, chocolate, and more!
Easy Applesauce
Apple season is coming. Take advantage of this seasonal fruit by making this easy applesauce.
Pumpkin Seed Trail Mix
This trail mix has a combination of pumpkin seeds, walnuts, shredded coconut, and raisins.
Strawberry Yogury Pops
This frozen treat is creamy and fruity.
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