An obese man has filed a lawsuit against hamburger hamlet White Castle, claiming the company discriminates against overweight people because their seats are not big enough. Martin Kessman claims he walked into his favorite restaurant in 2009 only to find that all the seating was stationary and could not accommodate someone of his size. He was embarrassed to wedge himself into a booth and claimed to suffer serious physical pain after banging his knee.
The next day, he penned a letter to the corporate office with his complaints. The company replied with "three condescending letters," coupons for free hamburgers and a promise to expand the size of the restaurant's seating. Now, two and half years later, nothing has happened and Kessman has filed a lawsuit.
Kessman says the seating violates the civil rights of fat people. “I just want to sit down like a normal person," he says. “Any subsequent trips to the store have been made by my wife -- I have been like an outcast.”
Does Kessman have a point with his beef or is this a frivolous suit?
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September 11, 2011
I think he needs to shut up and eat a salad.
September 11, 2011
I think he has a GREAT case! Jesus, these places are TRYING to addict you to fat and salt! So let them provide seating for the people they conned into eating their garbage! They make the seats smaller, so that the clientele will not feel comfortable eating the meals they purchased there. Less cleaning cost, less staff, but obstensibly, the same level of service! They make the seats small to save money.
September 12, 2011
The problem with your idea is that in this day and age everybody knows what kind of food these places serve and the idea that they are trying to addict anybody is somewhat ludicrous. There may have been some truth to that statement a few years ago, but not now, EVERY adult knows that this food is garbage for the body, and anybody who eats it takes the risk and risks their uninformed children, whom they should be teaching those risks to.
saying that these restaurants are trying to addict us is akin to saying that Betty Crocker is trying to do the same, we know that cake and foods such as those BC is putting out isn't entirely healthy but there it sits in the grocery store, and I am pretty sure that Betty knows her goods are all that good.
Seriously think about what you stated about this man having a case and try to picture his day in court and explaining to a judge that he is unhealthily overweight and decided to go into a fast food restaurant and order a batch of unhealthy food items, then was upset when he found that he did not fit in booth built for someone smaller then he, because he CHOSE to eat such food stuffs and maintain such an increased size.
He might as well as just walked into oncoming traffic and then bitched and complained when he was hit by a car, and then sue the driver.
September 12, 2011
The problem with your idea is that in this day and age everybody knows what kind of food these places serve and the idea that they are trying to addict anybody is somewhat ludicrous. There may have been some truth to that statement a few years ago, but not now, EVERY adult knows that this food is garbage for the body, and anybody who eats it takes the risk and risks their uninformed children, whom they should be teaching those risks to.
saying that these restaurants are trying to addict us is akin to saying that Betty Crocker is trying to do the same, we know that cake and foods such as those BC is putting out isn't entirely healthy but there it sits in the grocery store, and I am pretty sure that Betty knows her goods are all that good.
Seriously think about what you stated about this man having a case and try to picture his day in court and explaining to a judge that he is unhealthily overweight and decided to go into a fast food restaurant and order a batch of unhealthy food items, then was upset when he found that he did not fit in booth built for someone smaller then he, because he CHOSE to eat such food stuffs and maintain such an increased size.
He might as well as just walked into oncoming traffic and then bitched and complained when he was hit by a car, and then sue the driver.
September 12, 2011
The problem with your idea is that in this day and age everybody knows what kind of food these places serve and the idea that they are trying to addict anybody is somewhat ludicrous. There may have been some truth to that statement a few years ago, but not now, EVERY adult knows that this food is garbage for the body, and anybody who eats it takes the risk and risks their uninformed children, whom they should be teaching those risks to.
saying that these restaurants are trying to addict us is akin to saying that Betty Crocker is trying to do the same, we know that cake and foods such as those BC is putting out isn't entirely healthy but there it sits in the grocery store, and I am pretty sure that Betty knows her goods are all that good.
Seriously think about what you stated about this man having a case and try to picture his day in court and explaining to a judge that he is unhealthily overweight and decided to go into a fast food restaurant and order a batch of unhealthy food items, then was upset when he found that he did not fit in booth built for someone smaller then he, because he CHOSE to eat such food stuffs and maintain such an increased size.
He might as well as just walked into oncoming traffic and then bitched and complained when he was hit by a car, and then sue the driver.
September 11, 2011
Last time I checked, WC still had a drive thru. Someone should tell him Souper Salads has movable seating.
September 11, 2011
As a fat American, I can say I agree with him. The AMA states the obesity is a disease and just like the physical disabled they now have rights granted to them by the ADA for suing because they could get up steps. Sure we chubby people can diet but we don't need to feel any worse about ourselves when we are tring to enjoy a meal whether at a fast food place or a finer restaurant. We are fat but we still deserve respect and decenty.
September 12, 2011
"We are fat but we still deserve respect and decenty." No, you don't deserve a damned thing, Everything that you have stated is what is called an excuse, an excuse for feeling the way that you do. You don't feel bad because you don't have the personal will power and drive to loose the weight, weight that you know is unhealthy and could lead to disease and death, you feel bad because you have convinced yourself that the rest of the world is disrespectful. Being fat isn't ugly, but it is unhealthy, and fixable. People who bitch that the fast food industry is evil and is the problem is ignorant and lazy. Anybody who is intelligent and motivated can save more money and be healthier by cooking at home, learning how to cook the right way, how to eat properly and in the correct proportion. We as human beings have the ability to choose what we want to do, and be. We are not forced to walk into the fast food restaurant we do it because we like the food.
For any of the people here who defend this man, are any of you truly so ignorant to believe that the establishment should pay more money to redesign the seats, then pay more money to redesign the floor spacing to accommodate the larger seats, then loose money on indoor sales due to having a limited number of seats available? not to mention the money that they will have to hand out to the team designing the seats, designing the seating arrangement, and the work crew that will have to come in and correct all of this, and the amount of money that will be lost because of not being able to seat as many, if any people during the renovation. All because some people have no care for their own health and well being.
For some there are legitimate medical issues that have caused immense weight gain. Then there are everybody else. The rest of world should not have to pay because they do not care about themselves and are to lazy and ignorant to stand up and learn how to be healthy and then implement what they have learned into their life style. Being fat IS a choice, being obese IS a choice. You either choose to lead an inactive lifestyle and eat unhealthy or you choose to find a way to learn how to cook healthy food, eat properly and have a healthy life.
People will come down on me for what I have stated, but think about these few things before you do: obesity can lead to heart disease, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, loss of sexual appetite, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, emotional instability (think i am kidding? research the emotional conditions of those with diabetes and those who combat fluctuation blood sugar levels) hygienic issues, dental issues, high cholesterol, heart attacks, seizures, mental impairment.....or you can learn to live a healthier lifestyle.
Just think about this, if this man has the time to order fast food, sit in the restaurant and eat it, then he has the time to prepare a healthy meal, and then walk it off or perform some other kind of physical activity in the same amount of time. It is a matter of choice, it is easier to remain fat and unhealthy and blame the establishment than it is to do the right thing and be responsible for yourself, and that is what this man is thinking.
September 13, 2011
here here..finally someone who is not rude
September 13, 2011
@ tubby tim
here here finally someone who is not rude
I did not know they classified it as an illness but I feel it is a complex issue that we do not fully understand yet