Just Put It On The Label

November 18, 2011

Dear people who object to truth in labeling: 

I believe that we should have the right to buy whatever type of food that we want. I also believe we have the right to know what is in that food. Some of us might object to eating a particular sweetener, or additive, or type of seed. You may or may not agree with us. This is fine on all counts. Still, as a producer of a product for consumption, you should be held accountable for every ingredient that is put into that product. 

Of course I don't expect there to be a label saying there are no bones in my bananas - I am not a dolt. I do want to know what you put in my peanut butter, to keep it smooth, uncharacteristically creamy, and making it taste like something other than ground peanuts (I make that at home - I know what it tastes like). Is there added sweetener? What kind? Are the peanuts GMO? Please let me know. 

No matter if you agree with my child's sensitivity to HFCS or not,that really isn't the point. I want to know if your food contains it. Call it corn sugar, call it corn sweetener, call it delicious concentrated juice of corn; just put it on the damn label!

There is such an uproar about labeling, but in my opinion, it is simple. If manufacturers stand behind their products, and truly believe that the ingredients they use are safe, stable and necessary, then they should proudly place the list of ingredients on the label. 


A consumer of all sorts of food, a farmer of much of my own, and a mother who just wants to know. 



Jennifer Arbach's picture

Agreed! In the real estate world, it's always 'disclose, disclose, disclose'. If you know some thing about the house you are trying to sell, you must, by law, disclose it. So why don't we require the same of food manufacturers? It defies common sense to keep consumers in the dark about what they put in their bodies-at great economic and health expense. "Just Label It"! That's all we ask.

Libby's picture

Amen! I hate the words "seasonings" and "flavors" when I'm reading labels. And I read them and read them and them, because my child has life threatening food allergies. If I don't know what's in there, it goes back on the shelf. (Or if I really need it, I get out my cell phone and start playing 20 questions with customer service.)

NO claim of "proprietary" information should ever trump the public's right to know what we are consuming. The FDA and lawmakers need to grow spines and look out for the public, not the lobbyists', interests.