Clean Dessert: Chocolate Avocado Mousse

January 12, 2015

It is difficult to find a dessert that not only tastes great but is healthy too.  This chocolate avocado mousse fulfills both these requirements.  Pureed avocado forms the creamy base while honey sweetens the pudding.  Raw cacao powder adds that distinct chocolate flavor while also adding depth to the dessert.  As opposed to regular cocoa powder, raw powder is made from beans that have been dried at a low temperature, preserving cacao's natural high antioxidant level.  Antioxidants help your body to destroy free radical cells and combat harmful environmental toxins that often result in diseases such as cancer.  This clean eating dessert is delicious and does the body good.

Chocolate Avocado Mousse
Recipe from HASfit


1 large avocado or 2 small
2 tablespoons raw cacao powder
2 tablespoons raw honey or maple syrup
2 tablespoons milk of choice
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

For full recipe instructions, watch the video below or click here.

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