ABC Television's cooking and home entertainment show The Chew - hosted by Mario Batali, Michael...
The Chew premiered a new season this week, but earlier this month the hosts, Clinton Kelly, Mario...
Dr. Oz stopped by The Chew to share some of his secrets to get back into your bikini for the summer...
A new episode of web series, A Day in the Life, follows Mario Batali for just another regular day...
A new face will be joining daytime talk show, The Chew. Australian chef Jason Roberts is the show...
Bobby Flay and Giada de Laurentiis are rumored to be working on a new morning talk show...
Late-night host Jimmy Fallon and the cast of "The Chew" recently joined forces for an...
Everyone's least favorite new cooking show, The Chew, certainly got into the Halloween spirit...
The cast of ABC's The Chew announced on their show today that they are joining forces with...
Joe Jonas recently professed his love for food, so it came as no surprise that he paid a visit to...
America's latest daily food show debuted today on ABC and The Chew appeared to disappoint many...
ABC's new daytime cooking show , The Chew, is premiering this Monday, September 26th at 1pm....
Many a soap opera fan is devasted with ABC's decision to cancel All My Children and One Life...