Cane Juice


Juice obtained by pressing sugar cane through a mill. It is a very sweet bevarage usually drunk with ice and lime juice in several Latin American countries.


Other names: Guarapa
Translations: Cukurniedru sula, Cukranendrių sultys, Suc de trestie de zahăr, Cane soka, Nước ép mía, Soku z trzciny cukrowej, Suikerrietsap, गन्ने का रस, Suco de Cana, Кейн сок, Ζαχαροκάλαμου Juice, عصير قصب, 지팡이 쥬스, Třtinové šťávy, Baston juice, 甘蔗汁, Suc de Canya, Trstinovej šťavy, Succo di canna, קיין מיץ, Трска сока, サトウキビ汁, Jus de canne, Zuckerrohr-Saft, Jugo de Caña, Кейн сік, Vadelmat Juice, Кейн сок

Tasting Notes

Substitutes: No substitutes

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