Slovak Mushroom Machanka


2 ounces dried porcini mushrooms (or what's in season)
1 medium whole onion, peeled, plus 1 large onion, thinly sliced
salt and pepper to taste
3/4 cup sauerkraut juice
1/4 cup canola oil, plus extra for frying
1/2 cup all-purpose flour mixed with 1 cup water


In a medium bowl, place the mushrooms and 2 cups warm water. Cover with plastic and let soak overnight. The next day, remove the mushrooms from the soaking liquid without disturbing the sediment at the bottom and chop them into small pieces.
In a large pot, carefully pour in soaking liquid without disturbing the sediment at the bottom, the chopped mushrooms, 4 cups water, whole onion and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until mushrooms are tender. Remove onion and add sauerkraut juice.
In a small skillet, brown 1/4 cup flour in 1/4 cup oil until dark brown and add to soup, whisking until smooth. Temper the mixture of 1/2 cup flour and 1 cup water by adding a little soup into it, whisking until smooth. Pour the tempered mixture through a strainer into the hot soup, stirring consistently.
In a large skillet, add 1-2 tablespoons canola oil and brown sliced onion until dark. Add to soup at serving time. Pour into a heated soup tureen or heated soup bowls.




Mushrooms are an important part of Czech and Slovak cooking, as these cultures traditionally enjoy spending time outdoors and mushrooming is a cherished activity. From the National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library.


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Sunday, December 6, 2009 - 2:06am


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