Broccoli is a nutritious green vegetable belonging to the Cabbage family. It also bears resemblance to its relative, Cauliflower. The leaves, stalk and florets of Broccoli are all edible, but vary in flavor and texture.
Broccoli is high in vitamins A, C and D, and goes well in a variety of dishes, including stir fries, raw salads and soup. It has also been shown to reduce the risk of cancer. Eat broccoli once or twice a week.
A plant originally from southern Italy, broccoli can be green, white or purple. There are several other varieties, in particular the broccoflower, which is close to cauliflower, and the Romanesco broccoli, which is the result of a cross between broccoli and cauliflower.
Physical Description
It has large (10 to 20 cm) green heads and thick stalks.
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
TIME IT RIGHT. How long has the broccoli you choose been sitting in the produce section? You'll never know, unless you ask. So find the produce manager and ask when he puts the fresh broccoli out. It's well worth knowing and timing your visits accordingly.
Step 2
GO FOR THE PURPLE. Of course broccoli is green, and you want to choose broccoli that has a nice deep green color. But did you ever notice a grayish-purple color on the florets? That's your key to choosing a really flavorful broccoli. Trust me on this. You won't believe the difference until you compare "purple" broccoli with the ordinary kind. The nutritional value is the same, but the "purple" broccoli is so much tastier!
Step 3
CHECK FOR FRESHNESS. Color won't help if the broccoli you choose is rubbery, has wilted leaves, brown areas, or just looks bad. The broccoli you want is firm, deep green (or with purplish-gray crowns -- see Step 2 above), and chilled. Don't accept less-than-appetizing broccoli just because it's there. If you don't like what you see, ask the produce manager if he has a fresher selection.
Choose broccoli with tight, compact crowns and firm, bright green stalks.
Avoid broccoli with yellow florets or leaves.
Check the end of the stalks to make sue they are moist and have no openings. Tight, closed, moist stalks indicate fresher, more tender broccoli.
When buying broccoli, if there is bluish or purple coloring on the head florets this is a good sign tht it is denser in essential phytonutrients.
Avoid buying broccoli with any yellow coloring on the florets or leaves, as it means the broccoli is overaged.
Preparation and Use
Broccoli is usually boiled or steamed, but may be eaten raw and has become popular as a raw vegetable in hors d'œuvre trays. Although boiling has been shown to reduce the levels of suspected anti-cancer compounds in broccoli, other preparation methods such as steaming, microwaving, lactic fermentation, and stir-frying have not been shown to reduce the presence of these compounds
Cooked broccoli, still firm, may be served hot or cold. It is delicious dressed with a vinaigrette, covered with béchamel, Mornay or hollandaise sauce and gratinéed, with butter or puréed. It is served as a side dish or used in soups, stews, stir-fries, omelettes, souffés, quiches and pasta dishes. It works well in recipes for cauliflower.
Conserving and Storing
Broccoli is hailed as a wonder vegetable. It is packed full of phytonutrients that boost your body's immune power. It has been found in numerous studies to prevent cancer, cleanse and detoxify cells, prevent heart disease and cataracts, build up the density of bones and strengthen the immune system. But how do you keep broccoli fresh? Simple. Follow these simple tricks to keep this healthy vegetable at its peak.
To keep broccoli at its freshest stage, store it for 3 to 5 days in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
Broccoli can also be stored by freezing it. Peel the leaves from the stalk. Blanch the broccoli in steam for 5 minutes. Cool, and then place the broccoli in a sealed plastic bag. Broccoli can be stored in the freezer for up to 10 months
Cooked broccoli does not store well, as it will break apart when reheated. If you want to store cooked broccoli, steam it until it is just tender and store in a plastic bag for 2 to 3 days.
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July 9, 2011
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August 10, 2011
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August 10, 2011
Broccoli health benefits seem to be never ending. This versatile veggie is loaded with down home goodness and super nutrition.
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