Round Steak
A lean, oval cut of beef from between the rump and shank.
A full-flavored top round steak has an excellent nutrition profile. This economical boneless cut is completely edible with no waste. Less tender top round steak is best when marinated 6 to 24 hours in a tenderizing marinade and then grill, broil or skillet cook. For best eating quality, cook only to medium rare and carve into thin slices.
Physical Description
Dark red with little fat.
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
Prime indicates a moderately abundant amount of marbling, which provides the most tender and flavorful meat. This is also the most expensive cut and produced in more limited amounts.
Choice (most popular with consumers) indicates moderate marbling, tenderness and taste; and Select means slight marbling. It’s the least expensive grade and does not have the same tenderness or flavor as the other two.
Preparation and Use
Round steak comes from the back end of the cow, which produces tougher, but still lean, cuts of meat. Preparation of this cut does well when roasted in moist heat, and also becomes more flavorful when using a marinade. Pot roast is a good option for this cut of beef.
Grind it up toss in some seasoned flour and fry.