Nutmeg Powder
The nutmeg tree is a native of the Banda Islands, a cluster of small volcanic islands historically known as the Spice Islands and now part of the province of Molucca in Indonesia. Nutmeg isn't really a nut, but the kernel of an apricot-like fruit. The closely related is an arillus, a thin leathery tissue between the stone and the pulp. As noted by Ginger Webb in Herbalgram (1996), natives of the Banda islands use nutmeg oil for treatment of flu. The oil is rubbed on the abdomen for stomachaches and on the forehead for headaches.
Translations: Muskatrieksts Pulveris, Muskatai Milteliai, Nucşoară pulbere, Muškatni oraščić u prahu, Bột nhục đậu khấu, Proszek gałka muszkatołowa, Nootmuskaat Poeder, जायफल पाउडर, Noz-moscada em pó, Мускатный орех порошковой, Μοσχοκάρυδο σε σκόνη, جوزة الطيب المسحوق, 육두구 분말, Muškátový oříšek Prášek, Орашчића у праху, Duguan Powder, 肉豆蔻粉, Nou moscada en pols, Muškatni orešček v prahu, Muškátový oriešok Prášok, Noce moscata in polvere, מוסקט אבקת, Muskot Pulver, Pala Powder, ナツメグパウダー, Noix de muscade en poudre, Muskatnusspulver, Muskatnød Pulver, Muskat Powder, Nuez moscada en polvo, Мускатний горіх порошкової, Muskottipähkinä Powder, Индийско орехче Прах