A tropical "nut" which can be eaten in many different ways: eaten raw, used in confectionery, used to produce oil, or the water inside can be drank.
The coconut is the seed of the Cocos nucifera fruit. Belonging to the group of fruits called drupes, it is related to dates, apricots, plums, nectarines and peaches.
Translations: Kokosrieksts, Kokosas, Nucă de cocos, Kokos, Dừa, Orzech kokosowy, Kokosnoot, नारियल, Coco, Кокос, Καρύδα, جوزة الهند, 코코넛, Kokos, Kelapa, Ng niyog, 椰子, Coco, Kokos, Kokos, Noce di cocco, קוקוס, Kokos, Кокос, ココナッツ, Noix de coco, Kokosnuss, Kokosnød, Kokosnøtt, Coco, Кокос, Kookospähkinä, Кокосов орех