Cubic Watermelon
Photo: flickr user JazarellaMozarella
In Zentsuji, Japan, an innovative farmer came up with a way to grow square watermelons as an idea for saving space in shipping. These exciting melons go for $80 a piece.
Other names: Square Watermelon
Translations: Cubic Arbūzi, Kubinių arbūzas, Cubic Pepene verde, Kubični Lubenica, Khối Watermelon, Cubic Kawon, Cubic Watermeloen, घन तरबूज, Cubic Melancia, Кубические арбузы, Κυβικά Καρπούζι, بطيخ مكعب, 큐빅 수박, Krychlový Meloun, Кубикажа Лубеница, Kubiko pakwan, 立方西瓜, Cúbics Síndria, Kubični Watermelon, Kubický Meloun, Cubi Watermelon, מעוקב אבטיח, Kubik Semangka, 立方スイカ, Cubes de pastèque, Cubic Vandmelon, Cúbicos Sandía, Кубічні кавуни, Cubic Vesimeloni, Кубичен Диня