Horticultural Beans
Horticultural beans are grown on a limited acreage in Tennessee, come in both pole and dwarf varieties and can produce big harvests in small gardens. The colorful, mottled pods can be eaten like snap beans when young, but most people prefer to use the rich, nutty, red-speckled seeds, which mature in 65 to 70 days, as fresh shell beans and for canning and freezing. Some Southerners claim horticultural beans are best after the pods begin to turn slightly dry.
Other names: Speckled Cranberry Beans, Shell Beans, Bird Egg Beans, Wren's Egg Beans, October Beans, Shelly Beans
Translations: Dārzkopības Pupas, Sodininkystės Pupelės, Horticole Fasole, Hortikulturno grah, Fasola ogrodniczych, Bonen Tuinbouw, बागवानी बीन्स, Садоводство фасоль, Κηπευτική Φασόλια, البستانية والفول, 원예 콩, Zahradnické Fazole, Hortikultura Buncis, Hortikultural beans, 园艺豆, Hortícoles frijoles, Fižol Vrtnarska, Záhradnícke Fazuľa, Horticultural Fagioli, לגננות שעועית, Horticultural Bönor, Хортикултурно Пасуљ, 園芸豆, Haricots horticoles, Horticultural Bønner, Hagebruk Beans, Hortícolas Frijoles, Садівництво квасоля, Puutarhatuotteet Pavut, Градинарство Фасул