Liquid Smoke
Liquid smoke consists of smoke condensates that are produced through the controlled burning of wood chips or sawdust. The resulting smoke is passed through water, which captures and dissolves the smoke-flavored components in solution. This base can be condensed and modified through many methods to develop a wide range of smoke flavors.
Translations: Šķidrums Dūmu, Skystų Dūmai, Lichid de fum, Tekuća Smoke, Liquid khói, तरल धुआँ, Smoke Liquid, Жидкий дым, Υγρός καπνός, السائل الدخان, 액체 연기, Tekutý kouř, Asap Cair, Liquid Usok, 烟熏液, Líquid de fum, Tekutý dym, נוזלי עשן, Течност дима, 燻煙液, De fumée liquide, Flydende Smoke, Líquido de humo, Рідкий дим, Течни Smoke
Physical Description
Concentrated dark liquid seasoning used to create smokey flavor.
Colors: dark brown
Tasting Notes
Flavors: smokey flavor
Food complements: Grilled food
Wine complements: Red wine, White wine
Substitutes: Chipotle peppers, Smoked spanish chorizo
Selecting and Buying
Seasonality: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Choosing: Check the expiration date of the sauce before buying. Do not buy sauce with broken seal.
Buying: You can buy Liquid Smoke at the supermarket near the Worcestershire Sauce section.
Preparation and Use
Basically this is a concentrated sauce, so apply only droplets of this sauce.
Check here for more info
Conserving and Storing
Store in cool and dry place. Refrigerate after opening.