Green Bananas
Unripe, nutritionally rich bananas that are 5 - 6 inches long and about 1 inch in diameter when peeled. Green Bananas are not to be confused with plantains. Unripe, nutritionally rich bananas that are 5 - 6 inches long and about 1 inch in diameter when peeled.
Physical Description
Green bananas are elliptically shaped fruits "prepackaged" by Nature, featuring a firm, creamy flesh gift-wrapped inside a thick inedible peel.
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
Preparation and Use
You can use in salads, fruit salads, fruit cups, pancakes, or dry them in food dehydrator.
Conserving and Storing
Green bananas should ripen at room temperature and should not be subjected to overly hot or cool temperatures. Unripe bananas should not be placed in the refrigerator because this will interrupt the ripening process to such an extent that it will not be able to resume even if the bananas are returned to room temperature. If you need to hasten the ripening process, you can place bananas in a paper bag or wrap them in newspaper, adding an apple to accelerate the process.