Green Cardamom Pod
The green cardamom pod has a strong, unique taste, and, is intensely aromatic. This small, triangular seedpod has a thin outer shell; may be used whole (the whole pod) or ground. Most often cardamom is used in baking or as an ingredient in every type of Indian cooking.
It is most popularly used in India, Sri Lanka, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. It's also popular in North and East Africa. It's used in both sweet and savory dishes. In sweet dishes the seeds inside the pod are usually ground into a fine powder. In savory dishes the seeds are used, sometimes ground.
The scent of cardamom is very distinct and revered as a calming smell. It is used in aromatherapy and suggested to be placed on the bottom shelves of a kitchen as a calming effect.
Other names: ஏலக்காய், এলাচি Elachi, छोटी इलाइची, ఏలకులు, Choti Elaichi
Translations: Zaļa Kardamons Pod, Žalioji kardamonas Pod, Green cardamom Pod, Zelena Kardamon Pod, Green cardamom Pod, Zielony kardamon Pod, Groene Kardemom Pod, हरी इलायची Pod, Cardamomo verde Pod, Под зеленый кардамон, Πράσινη Καρδάμωμο Pod, خضراء الهيل قرنة, 그린 카다몬 껍데기, Zelený kardamom Pod, Green Kapulaga Pod, Green kardamono Pod, 绿色豆蔻波德, Cardamom verd Pod, Green Kardamom Pod, Zelený kardamom Pod, Cardamomo verde Pod, גרין הל Pod, Green Kardemumma Pod, Под зеленим кардамом, グリーンカルダモンポッド, Cardamome verte Pod, Grüner Kardamom Pod, Grøn Kardemomme Pod, Green Kardemomme Pod, Cardamomo verde Pod, Під зелений кардамон, Green Kardemumma Pod, Зелена Кардамон Pod