Passion-Fruit Juice
A delicious, easy to make, fragrant juice made from the pulp of the Passion Fruit. This golden juice is unusually high in starch and must be consumed by diabetics in moderation.
Passion Fruit Juice is often used to add flavor to cocktails and other mixed drinks.
Translations: Passion augļu sulas, Aistra-Vaisių sultys, Pasiunea-suc de fructe, Passion Fruit Juice-, Passion Fruit Juice-, Passion Fruit Juice-, जुनून फलों का रस, Suco de maracujá-, Страсти-фруктового сока, Passion Fruit Juice-, العاطفة ، عصير الفاكهة, 열정 - 과일 주스, Vášeň-ovocný džus, Juice Buah Passion-, Passion Fruit-juice, 激情果汁, Passió-Suc de fruita, Passion Fruit Juice-, Vášeň-ovocný džús, Passion-succo di frutta, תשוקה, מיץ פירות, Страст-воћни сок, パッションフルーツジュース, Jus de fruit de la passion, Passion Fruit Juice-, Passionsfrugt Juice, Pasión-Zumo de fruta, Пристрасті-фруктового соку, Passion-hedelmämehu, Страст-плодов сок