Shrimp Salad On Endive Appetizers
Adam and I love to entertain. If it was not for our 12ft X 20ft living area, we would entertain more often. We just love the idea of cocktail parties and mini get-togethers that involve appetizers or mini snacks. To us, a bunch of little yet tasty snacks is so much more interesting than one big meal. It offers your guests options and makes for an elegant, but not overdone experience. These Shrimp on Endive appetizers would be perfect as passed hors d’oeuvres or elegantly presented at a station or table. They are also perfect for mingling among guests since the endive leaf presents the perfect container for the shrimp, making them easy to hold and eat without making a mess! The combination of endive, which is slightly bitter, the creaminess of the dressing and the sweetness of the shrimp is wonderful plus the textures of shrimp mixed with the crunchy endive leaf lead to a perfectly light and refreshing bite. We tried this recipe with shrimp, but think it would work wonders for lobster, crab or even chicken. By the way, the dressing recipe can double as a delicious veggie dip.