Raw Mango Butter
6 cups unsulphured dried mangos, about 1 pound
1 tablespoon sea salt (you can use less)
1/4 cup whey
Warm up filtered water in a pot till 100-115 F (Do not let it boil!). Pour dried mangos in there and let them soak till completely soft. Transfer with a slotted spoon to food processor. Process with remaining ingredients. Taste for sweetness and add more honey if necessary. I used less honey because the mangos were already sweet and didn't need to be sweeten up.
Transfer the butter into quart-sized mason jars. It should be at least 1 inch below the tops of the jars. Cover tightly and keep at room temperature for about 2 days before putting in your fridge. This should be eaten within 2 months. It is DELICIOUS with breakfast porridge, pancakes, bread and crackers.
I used my "Lacto Master" to make the butter. You can use just the lid on the jar, but open it slightly once or twice during the 2 day process so the gases can escape and screw it back tightly. I have the airlock system on a wide-mouth lid and gallon lid. So, I am able to culture in big and small quantities. If you are interested in purchasing one... go to Cultures for Health and make sure you let them know I referred you :o)
16 servings
Friday, December 4, 2009 - 4:10am