Rajas Con Queso
If you have a gas stove, you can roast the Poblano chilies over an open flame until blackened, but not charred. If you don’t have a gas stove, then turn your oven to broil, on high and place the Poblano chilies in a baking tray, lined with aluminum foil. Coat each of the chilies with a bit of oil and sprinkle with salt. Cook until you get the same results as noted before. If you do use the oven, remember to check then every 2-3 minutes and given then a turn so they roast evenly all around.
Once they are cooked to the right color. Wrap the chilies in a towel and place them in a plastic bag for about 10 minutes. Remove the chilies and with the help of a kitchen towel rub the skins off. The chilies should be firm. Do not rinse them, since it will take away the roast flavor. Cut them in 1/2-inch strips discarding all the seeds and the ribs. At this point you can store them and use them up later.
At this point turn off the burner and add the cheese. Cover immediately.
Great quick recipe, a perfect crowd pleaser at any party. Tip 1: If you choose to dish up at a party, I have found that if you use a small crock pot, to keep it warm and provide with warm tortillas your guest can make their own. Tip 2: Other variations to try: Instead of Poblano chilies, sautéed some mushrooms until tender and then add the onions and follow the rest of the recipe as noted above.
1 cup
Tuesday, December 8, 2009 - 10:25am