Green Monster Popsicles
I wasn’t going to post this because I thought my kids were crazy for gobbling them up the way they do. But then we took some up to my inlaw’s cabin where there were some “regular kids” and they gobbled them up too. So I thought I'd better share this one.
When I came up with this concoction I was just trying to make them really green and green they are! It is basically a smoothie, but I leave out the kefir since most of the good cultures are killed once frozen anyway. The ingredients can be fresh or frozen before added to the blender, if mostly frozen add 3/4 cup of water instead of ice. If you don’t have the stevia, use a healthy sweetener like honey. You'll want to send them outside to eat these, ‘cause that green will stain.
Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 6:12pm