Roasted Chicken With Potatoes and Vegetables



PREPARATION: I usually let the chicken sit out for an hour to get it to room temperature.
I then wash it thoroughly, pad dry and put in the roasting pan lined with foil.
Salt and pepper the outside and inside of the chicken so you can taste the flavour of the juices once mixed with all the sauces, salt and pepper .
The last thing you want is a bland taste.
Wash the baby potatoes, carrots and zucchini.
Peel and cut the onions into chunks. Now cut the zucchini, carrots and sweet potatoes into nice circular chunks as well.
I usually leave the potatoes alone cause they are nice, small and tastes better when roasted whole.
Once all the above is done lay then in the pan evenly and salt and pepper them too :) got to keep it consistent .No bland stuff LOL.
Ahh we can’t put the zucchini in cause it cooks faster than all of the other vegetables so we will let it reunite with the rest of the family in about 3 quarters of the cooking process.
You don’t want mush up zucchini do you? LOL All done now for the best stuff!
COOKING: Turn oven to 350 degrees F, let it heat up and place the roasting pan with all the beautiful ingredients in the middle of the oven.
Slowly bake for 30 minutes, take the pan out very carefully and baste the chicken with the sauces. I usually skor the chicken a little at this point so the sauces can penetrate to the nice meat.
At this time you will also see the nice juices from the chicken at the bottom of the pan. Don’t be afraid scoop it out with a spoon and spread it all over the veggies .Yummy this is where all the flavours are.
Place the roasting pan back in the oven and let cook for another 20 minutes .
Take the pan out from the oven check on everything and place the zucchini in the pan, baste and place back in the oven.
I usually put the temperature to 400 degrees F at this point and cook for another 15 to 20 minutes depending on the time of the chicken.
This helps in crisping the outside of the chicken and also giving the vegies a nice charred looked. Once cooking process is over, what to do, oh no just serve, make a toast and enjoy this beautiful meal with your loved ones.
Cooking times may vary according to oven temperature and size of chicken .Please use your discretion .The last thing you need is an undercooked chicken.
Have yourselves a very happy dinner from us to yous :)


Roasted Chicken with Potatoes and Vegetables

Sunday dinners are important in our family. It’s a way of sitting down together for a beautiful meal and also giving thanks for the week that’s gone by and to welcome the new week ahead.

We both get busy with our own agendas for the week and this is a good time to just relax, unwind and enjoy the moment between us.

This Sunday I decided to go all the way :). I was really in the mood to eat some really hearty food. I went for the classic dinner.

Roasted chicken, potatoes, zucchini, carrots, onions and sweet potatoes was the menu. We both love this dish and the good part about this dish is you can cook all the ingredients in one roasting pan. Now how cool is that, all in one.

Off to the kitchen I went, put on my apron and began my meal.


1.0 servings


Thursday, April 28, 2011 - 1:00pm


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