Bigeye Tuna
A saltwater fish from tropical, temperate waters. It ranges from 20-100 pounds and has rich dark flesh. Common cooking methods include baking, broiling, grilling, sauteing. It is also much sought after for sushi and sashimi.
Other names: Ahi-B
Translations: Lielacu tunzivis, Didžiaakius tunus, Ton obez, Cá ngừ mắt to, Opastuna, Grootoogtonijn, Bigeye ट्यूना, Atum patudo, Большеглазый тунец, Μεγαλόφθαλμο τόνο, الجاحظ التونة, Bigeye 참치, Tuňáka, 大眼金枪鱼, Peus grans, Veleokega tuna, Tuniaka, Tonno obeso, Bigeye טונה, Storögd tonfisk, Бигеие Туњевина, 目撥, Le thon obèse, Großaugenthun, Storøjet tun, Patudo, Великоокі тунець, Isosilmätonnikalan, Едроок тон