Melissa Peterman's picture

Easy Peasy

Today is the second day in our Week of Julia (Child, that is!). There is something special about fresh garden peas.

Sheri Wetherell's picture

A Week of Julia Child

Melissa Peterman's picture

National Cheese Cake Day!

Sheri Wetherell's picture

Crispy Baked Chickpeas

Barnaby Dorfman's picture

ahR Shucks

Melissa Peterman's picture

Summer Potluck Ideas

Family picnics,  Friday night barbecues and last minute invitations to a friend's potluck doesn't always require that you bring a dish to share, but more often than not it's a good idea to bring a little something even if it means a bottle of wine, olives or some good cheese.

Melissa Peterman's picture

Quick and Easy Olive Tapenade

One of the easiest and most flavorful appetizers you can make is olive tapenade. The olive tapenade that is common on appetizer menus today does not often reflect the classic Provencal dish from which the name applies. Tapenade comes from the word tapeno, which is French for caper.

Melissa Peterman's picture

Taking Advantage of Herb Blossoms

One of the most satisfying things about having an herb garden is reaching an arm outside the kitchen window and plucking off some fresh thyme from your thyme plant or walking no further than your back yard for a sprig of rosemary for a recipe.

Sheri Wetherell's picture

Lemon Lavender Martini

Sheri Wetherell's picture

Cabbage and Fennel Coleslaw


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