Shoshanna Levy

Shoshanna Levy, CNC is a certified holistic nutritionist who is on a mission to spread the word about the world-wide explosion of gluten sensitivity. Due to a childhood filled with a variety of chronic health issues, and a lack of understanding from her doctors, she looked for other solutions. By changing her diet, she learned that she is severely allergic to dairy and gluten, and this discovery was life-changing.

Once Shoshanna made the connection that making different dietary choices can transform your life, she knew that this had to be shared with as many people as possible! Shoshanna will take you on a journey BEYOND gluten free, BEYOND fad diets and quick fixes and into a realm of optimal energy, vitality and wellness! Through her classes, workshops, blog, and skype sessions Shoshanna shares her knowledge about the benefits of a SOUL (seasonal, organic, unrefined, local) diet and offers motivation and inspiration so that you can feel better than you have in years!

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Posts by Shoshanna Levy

May 22, 2011

rooftop gardens lettuce

Due to consumer demand for organic produce, entrepreneurs are getting in on the growing rooftop gardening trend. Lufa Gardens has taken the concept to the next level by turning an office...

May 22, 2011


Here's a sweet treat that is also healthy. Yams are loaded with fiber, beta carotene, and minerals. The fat from the coconut oil balances the maple syrup, lessening the impact on blood sugar...

May 21, 2011


Summer is upon us, so let's celebrate sunchokes. This tasty tuber is actually not an artichoke, instead it's a cousin of the sunflower. It's also a rich source of inulin (carbohydrate),...

May 20, 2011

anthony bourdain

Anthony Bourdain is a foodie to his core, and he also happens to be a highly snarky and entertaining character. Huffpo Food sat down with him and the outcome is this hilarious video.  ...

May 20, 2011

road food

Summer road trip season is just around the corner, and people are often stuck eating nothing but fast food along the way. Of course, packing a cooler and bringing dried snacks will help, but what...

May 20, 2011

grocery shelves

Since the movement to get GMOs labeled nationally is progressing somewhat slowly, 14 states are discussing taking matters into their own hands. "The Food and Drug Administration says it...

May 20, 2011

women farmer

Wellness in the Schools Annual Benefit Benefit to raise money for programs that promote healthy eating for children in NYC.  Fat Doesn't Make you Fat, Sugar Makes you Fat Excellent...

May 19, 2011

kids in garden

Slow Food USA, is committed to helping this citizens of this country get back to the basics when it comes to our diet. We have a long way to go, especially where children are concerned. Between...

May 19, 2011

test tube food

Welcome to the future, where food no longer comes from nature. In a story that sounds more relevant to a sci-fi novel than a cookbook, scientists have been working hard on creating test tube meat!...

May 19, 2011

kids cooking

It's no secret that there is an obesity epidemic in this country, and sadly the youth are not exempt from this unfortunate trend. Hats off to the Junior League for recognizing the problem and...

May 19, 2011

lentil stew

Tune in every Thursday for tips or recipes about healthy and tasty eating on a budget. This week is a hearty and healthy lentil stew. Big batches of soups and stews are also major time savers. Freeze...

May 18, 2011


Novak Djokovic is setting the tennis world on fire! He gives a lot of the credit to switching to a gluten free diet last year. His nutritionist determined that Djokovic is allergic to the protein...

May 18, 2011

Manhattan skyline

The Brooklyn Flea is a most interesting market. It goes way beyond visions of old shoes, carpets, and cheap perfumes. It's an eclectic blend of a thrift, art and hardware store with a sprinkling...

May 18, 2011

gluten free bread

As a hardcore advocate for gluten free living, I am asked daily why there is suddenly such a problem with gluten. Humanity has consumed wheat for thousands of years and it's been a staple around...

May 18, 2011


The mighty egg is getting its day in the sun, May is National Egg Month. What a perfect time to celebrate this versatile and nourishing breakfast staple. Go for local, organic, and pasture-...

May 17, 2011


A new study shows that lack of sleep is associated with higher levels of blood glucose, insulin, and insuiln resistance in those with type 2 diabetes. "It is possible that the effects of...

May 17, 2011


In honor of Celiac Awareness Month, Woodchuck Cider is sponsoring the Woodchuck Celiac Awareness Sweepstakes. They will award ten grand prize $250 gift certificates for Bob's Red Mill and gluten...

May 17, 2011

corn field

Germany wouldn't play nice with Monsanto, when they decided to stop selling their GMO maize. Monsanto claims that this ban violates the EU rules and they will fight the ruling in court....

May 16, 2011


This vegan dish is hearty and packed with rich flavor. The leftovers will make a healthy and delightful lunchtime treat. Adzuki Curry Soup 2 cups adzuki beans, soaked overnight 3-inch piece kombu...

May 16, 2011


Many concerned citizens would like to know whether or not their food contains GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Ideally, these modified foods will eventually be labeled, but until then there is...

May 16, 2011

local farm

The buy local movement is gaining momentum in cities across the country, but some people still view it as "elitist". This handy graph by elocalblog breaks down exactly what the...

May 15, 2011


Rejoice as rhubarb season is upon us. This colorful indicator of spring is frequently paired with strawberries in pies, compotes, and jams. Packed with antioxidants, rhubarb is far more versatile...

May 15, 2011


Thanks to the Bendigo Inventor awards, Terry Hunter won $25,000 for a revolutionary gluten free dough. The mixture contains 12 ingredients and apparently it tastes exactly like traditional wheat...

May 15, 2011

essential oils

Carpet deodorizers are loaded with synthetic fragrances and other toxic chemicals, which your liver has to filter out. Since it is already dealing with a variety of environmental toxins, why not...

May 15, 2011


It's true, sleep does a body good, but for many people getting their eight hours is no easy task.  So before popping your next sleeping pill, try these simple tips to support a relaxing and...
