Easy Plum Clafouti
The weekend before July 4, I went to our local farmers market and bought the most beautiful and tasty plums. We ate one when we got home form the market and the rest went into the fridge.
Yesterday, I was looking through the crisper for salad ingredients and I found them. They needed used immediately. What to do? I wanted something easy and fast and delicious. I decided to make a clafouti. Before last year, I had never heard of this fast and easy dessert. It is quickly becoming my go to dessert when something easy and fast is needed. (And, it is wonderful with fresh produce. So far I have used a variation of this basic recipe with cherries, peaches, blackberries, and now, plums.)
Aside: As I carefully placed the clafouti in the oven, I remembered that the melted butter was still in the microwave! Doh! I carefully opened the new oven door and carefully drizzled the butter on top of the clafouti. It worked well and I think it even helped brown the top a bit more. Perhaps a disaster was averted! (I was definitely NOT going to spill anything in the new oven!)