Microwave Salmon
1 Salmon filet, about 1 pound
3 tablespoons Frozen orange juice concentrate
3 tablespoons Soy sauce
1 Clove garlic, minced or pressed
teaspoon Fresh ginger, minced
Mix orange juice concentrate, soy sauce, garlic and ginger in a microwave safe casserole. Place salmon on mixture, flesh side down, at least one hour before cooking (I've done this as early as the night before and that is wonderful too, although the flavoring of the fish is much stronger). Cover with plastic wrap and let rest. Cook on high in microwave for 10 minutes.
I use more garlic and ginger than called for, and also use the pre-minced types that come in jars which makes this even easier. You could use salmon steaks with this recipe as well, but I prefer filets since it's so much easier to remove the bones from filets (I use needlenose pliers!)
1.0 servings
Friday, February 12, 2010 - 8:37pm