Starbucks Via Ready Brew Braised Chicken

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This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.
The coffee aisles of my local grocery stores have been growing in recent years. But, for some reason, coffee has never really made into the mainstream as a cooking ingredient. Perhaps that’s because ground coffee is too coarse to dissolve nicely into a sauce, and instant coffees are notorious for their crappiness. Well, we may be turning a culinary corner with the introduction of Starbucks VIA Ready Brew – the first instant coffee from Starbucks, and a new staple-to-be of my spice rack. For this recipe, I chose the Colombia roast, which is a medium-bodied coffee that adds a subtle but important rich background flavor to the braised chicken. The sweet onions balance out the bitterness of the coffee and make this a wonderful and unique dish.