Jazzed Up Mashed Potatoes With Kale
Healthy and happy children – what every mother hopes and strives for. In the United States, Mother’s Day was started when Anna Jarvis organized a day to raise awareness of poor health conditions in her community, a cause she believed would be best advocated by mothers. So, on Mother’s Day, why not honor her in the spirit of good health, and bring her a big bouquet of fresh kale, and/or dress up a popular favorite food with some healthy ingredients?
In addition to keeping us well and nursing us back to health when we are not, she’s known for those special dishes we crave when we need a little extra comfort. Comfort foods like mashed potatoes. My Dutch mother, like most Dutch home cooks, would include a vegetable (usually kale, sometimes carrots) to this already warming, and perfectly satisfying dish and serve it with a sausage on top. It’s Dutch “boerenkool met worst”, literally, “farmer’s cabbage” or kale with sausage. I’ve jazzed it up a bit (nutritionally, that is) by including more onions, garlic and leeks from the healthful allium family, using organic potatoes and apples complete with peel (where many nutrients hang out), and by adding walnuts (omega-3 essential fatty acids), pieces of apple (“an apple a day keeps the doctor away”) and small cubes of cheese (protein and calcium) which just begin to melt into that delicious gooey consistency when you are about to take your first bite.
I just submitted this recipe to the Mother’s Day Comfort Food Makeover contest. I’d love your vote, if you’re so inclined. You can vote for this recipe here: http://www.wildfireapp.com/website/6/contests/116932/voteable_entries/21357521
Thank you!