Sauteed Salmon with Lentils
We were in the mood for something new last night. As I am standing in my pantry and staring at the content, a box of lentils was just sitting there for the picking. Why not? Last time we had lentils was on New Years Day as a traditional Italian dish.
We also wanted fish. Below recipe was inspired by Gourmet cook book blended with old favorite family recipe. Love the caramelized onions, love them.
As I took my first bite of lentils I felt something was missing. I decided to try to sprinkle a bit of lemon juice with a drop of olive oil over the lentils, and the dish took a different dimension. The sweet gentle flavor of the onions was intensified.
We have left over and I cannot wait to have the left overs for lunch today. Maybe I will add some fresh tomatoes….
A nice glass of Chardonnay was a perfect pairing.
TIP: I am partial to green du Puy Lentils because, for me, I found them to cook best and not become to starchy. Make sure however that the lentils are rinsed well and picked over carefully.