Bake oven the apples. To do this wash them carefully, put in a dish suitable for oven, with half a glass of water, and cook at 180 º for 25 minutes
Prepare the filling. Mix custard with raisins and nuts hydrated.
Once the apples are baked, fill with pastry cream mixture and nuts.
Prepare the pastry prison. Make a bunch of baking paper slightly larger than the apple. We use a grid cutter or sharp knife, to create a grid on the pastry sheet.
Cut into 4 pieces, and place the pastry on a baking paper ball as seen in the images.
Bake 15 minutes at 200 º. If dough is too thin to use the cutter and gives you problems, you can knead and stretch the width you wish.
May 6, 2013
Instructions are unclear between 4 & 6.... Cut what into pieces and what the heck is the baking paper ball?
August 5, 2013
The original pics are here: