Biscuits with hazelnuts and rum
hazelnuts 100g
butter 60 gr
3 tablespoons rum
flour type "00" 120 gr
sugar 40 gr
an egg
vanilla to taste
ammonia for biscuits 1 /2 tsp
How to prepare the dough: Fry the nuts in a pan ( no butter , no oil) 3-4 minutes, then whisk.
At this point mix together the butter and sugar then pour the rum, eggs, hazelnut puree , vanilla and mix all the dough again with the mixer. After this, add the flour and ammonia for cakes and mix well .
Finally settle the dough ready in the refrigerator and wait 30 minutes.
How prepare the cookies : Once removed the dough from the fridge, divide it into small blocks .Working hand in the small pieces of dough we create cookies in the shape of a rose and we place them on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees .At this point, the cookies are ready .
I want to present an interesting variation to a fairly simple recipe that I had submitted several months ago using cognac and pine nuts. In this version we will use hazelnuts with a hint of rum
Saturday, November 16, 2013 - 4:47am