Baked Habanero Hot Wings
We are still trying to perfect the ultimate wings, which would be ideally sweet, spicy, sticky, and full of flavors, but always end up a little short in one of the four areas. So instead of trying to hit a homerun, we just went all out and focused on one criteria--the spicy part. In order to do that, we decided to work with habaneros for the first time. These guys are pretty cute and innocent looking on the outside (pics to prove) but when you're actually dealing with them (gloves recommended) you really are dealing with semi-hazardous ingredients. Some of the ones we got didn't meet our expectations, while others were scorching hot when tasting a tiny sample. Anyways, the marinade was fairly straightforward (pics provided below) and the final result being a good 4 stars out of 5. The baked wings packed the spicy punch we were looking for with some tangy sweetness as well, but we were looking for a more crunchy and crispy outside (a la fried chicken) but to no avail. I guess that means we'll have to work on perfecting the crispy aspect of our ultimate wings.