Chicken Breast With Macaroni and Veggies
Sprigs of Fresh Rosemary
Sprigs of Fresh Oregano
4 Chicken Breasts
4 cloves of garlic – crushed& chopped
1 Sweet Onion – sliced
1 Bell Pepper – sliced
1 handful of cherry tomatoes – halved
1 hot pepper- sliced
1/4 cup of red wine
1 quart of mushrooms- sliced
Olive oil
Box of your favorite macaroni
In a large frying pan heat a few drizzles of olive oil and place the chicken breasts. Place the sprigs of rosemary and oregano on top of the chicken and loosely cover the chicken. When the chicken is halfway through the cooking process flip it and finish cooking.
Heat the griddle and place the mushrooms, onions, garlic and peppers on the griddle. When the veggies look golden and healthy, remove them and place them in a bowl.
When the chicken has finished cooking set it aside. In the pan that the chicken was cooked in place the grilled veggies and the tomatoes. Add the wine and simmer for a few minutes. Set aside and prepare the macaroni.
Add the macaroni to the veggies and serve with the chicken. Garnish with some grated Romano cheese and a few drizzles of olive oil.
This dish is quick, easy and so good. You will think you went to a gourmet Italian restaurant without the expensive bill at the end of the meal that will cause you to need Tums!
Enjoy with Lots of Love.
8.0 servings
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 - 2:49pm