Candied Figs
Boil some water in a medium size pan and add 1 teaspoon soda. Pour this over figs and let stand for about five minutes. This must cover the figs; turn them to be sure. Drain and rinse figs, and place in the electric fry pan. In a small pan put the vinegar and sugar and bring to a boil. Pour this over the figs; cover and cook 1 hour at 250 F. Cool and let stand overnight. The next day, cook 1 hour without the cover. Cool and let stand overnight. Third day, cook 1 hour and cool. When cool, arrange the figs on a cookie sheet. Let stand for 2 or 3 days, turning once or twice. After they are dry, pack them
Catholic Church
4.0 servings
Thursday, February 11, 2010 - 9:26am