The Blu Ox Martini
So you’re probably wondering why I would call a redd-ish-amber-ish gradient-ish beverage a “Blu Ox Martini”.
The history goes waaayyy back… to about 5 minutes ago… when my friend Michele and I sat on my porch drinking them, and trying to figure out what to call them. And of course, the more we sipped, the more entertaining the titles became… but we finally settled on The Blu Ox Martini.
The Blu is for the Blueberry (and we spelled it without the “e” because, well… we're cool like that). And the Ox comes from the antioxidants that are in this tasty beverage – thanks to the pomegranate juice and those fresh blueberries. The Ox also derives from the oxymoron of my thinking an alcoholic beverage can be an anti-oxidant. Thanks to Michele for pointing out that little fact. Nothing like a good friend to let you know when you’re being ridiculous.