Vegan Roast
cup Carrots, ¼" pieces
cup Celery, ¼" pieces
cup Parsnips, ¼ " pieces-OR-
cup -Turnips, white, small ¼" pieces
teaspoon Cinnamon
2 Vegetable bouillon cubes up to 3
1 teaspoon Sea salt
teaspoon Sea kelp
teaspoon Cayenne pepper, or less
2 cups Onion, finely chopped
6 cups Bread cubes, ½" squares
cup Parsley, chopped, up to 1 c
cup Buckwheat flour,or amaranth flour
Soak the chickpeas overnight and cook until tender. Steam the carrots, celery and parsnips or turnips until tender. Mash the chickpeas and vegetables with the bouillon and other flavourings cinnamon, soy sauce, sea salt, sea kelp and cayenne pepper) until thoroughly mixed and smooth. Add the raw onion and all the remaining ingredients and use your hands to mix together everything well. Preheat the oven to 350F. Oil a 9"x13" low baking dish and line it with wax paper, then oil the wax paper. Shape the mixture into a 3" high oblong loaf in the pan with rounded to
4.0 servings
Sunday, February 14, 2010 - 7:10am