Sophie's Vegetarian Butternut Squash, Quinoa & Red Beans Chili
1 large red onion, peeled& finely diced
3 fat fresh cloves of garlic, peeled& finely diced
550 grams of peeled butternut squash, peeled, cut into smaller cubes, each about 2 cm x 1 cm
1 tablespoon red chili powder, nearly level, just a little bit less!
2 x 400 good quality cans of chopped tomatoes
2 x 400 of red kidney beans, well rinsed& well leaked
coriander leaves: (cilantro) a small handful, washe
a fruity EVOO
Add the chili powder, stir the chili round & fry for about 1 minute to give its aroma's off. Add a bit more of the EVOO is necessary. Then add the chopped butternut squash, quinoa, 2 tins of chopped tomatoes & 3/4 empty can of tomatoes filled with water. Stir everything well round & cook until it has thickened a lot, the quinoa & the veggies are cooked through. Cook with the lid 3/4 on & it will take about 20 to 25 minutes. From time to time, stir everyhting well round to prevent sticking or turn the heat a bit down. Take the lid off if you want to.
A few days ago, I made this tasty vegetarian chili. It rocked my tastebuds,..ooh,..yes!
I served it with a dollop of sheep's Greek style yoghurt.
MMMMMMMMMM,...all the way!
15.0 servings
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 - 9:54am