Pizza Cones
200 milliliters water
50 milliliters olive oil
10 grams yeast (fresh)
10 grams (1 level tsp) sea salt
1 tablespoon honey
200 grams grated mozzarela
50 grams tomato sauce
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon oregano
150 grams iberian ham
Rub the yeast into the flour. Add the remaining ingredients. Mix for a couple of minutes until the dough starts to form. Transfer the dough onto a working surface. Continue to mix the ingredients by stretching out the dough and folding it over onto itself. Keep working the dough until it comes cleanly away from the work surface and is not sticky. Lightly flour the work surface, place the dough on the flour and form the dough into a ball. Place the dough into a bowl and cover with a tea towel. Rest the dough for a minimum of two hours, until it has duplicated it's volume.
Knead the dough and roll it very thinly. Cut pieces of dough the size of your cones moulds and line the molds with the dough. Press well the closure areas, you can use some water to ensure a better seal and that the dough does not get open during baking. It is best not to reach the edge of the pans with the dough, this way the cone moulds can be removed easily afterwards.
To prepare the filling, just mix the ingredients specified, unless the Iberian ham and tomato.
Proceed to assemble the pizza cone: first spread the cones with tomato sauce, fill it with cheese and spices, and bake for another 10 minutes in the oven as indicated above. Once out of the oven, decorate with roses, which are made by rolling thin slices of ham, and cutting to the desired size. If you want to avoid the roses, you can chop the ham and use it to fill with the cheese.
15.0 small cones, 8 big cones
Thursday, March 24, 2011 - 7:16am