Blueberry Pie/tarts


9 inches lined a flan ring
1 can Blueberry filling
100 grams Plain flour
30 grams Brown sugar
40 grams Soft butter
Mix all crumble ingredients together with your finger tips and put in the fridge for later use
200 grams Plain flour
20 grams Milk powder
110 grams Butter, cut cubes
35 grams Icing sugar
1/4 teaspoon Salt
3 tablespoons Ice water


Sift flour, milk powder and icing sugar, salt in a bowl, mix well. Add cold butter and rub with your finger tips till mixture becomes sandy.
Add in ice water and knead mixture to form dough. (if the dough becomes too wet, you'll need to add more flour or add little water if dough is too dry)
Shape it into ball and wrap it with foil then store in freezer for 20 mins.
Take out dough from freezer after 20 minutes, roll out the pastry in between two plastic sheets to the size of about 12 inches in diameter.
Place pastry on to the ring, pressing it to fit the bottom and sides so that no air bubbles lurk under the pastry, but taking care not to stretch it.
Roll across the top of the ring with the rolling pin. This rolls away any overhanging pastry.
Prick the pastry at the bottom of the case with a fork.
Return the pastry dough to the freezer for another 15 mins or you can keep the pastry dough until next day or up to a week.
Take out pastry from freezer and quickly line it with aluminum foil and blind bake with pie weights or dry beans, to keep the bottom flat. Bake at preheated oven at 175C for 20 mins. Remove pie weights and foil immediately after baked.
Cool down the pastry and spread in blueberry filling (not too much, as the blueberry filling is very sweet. Then sprinkle the crumbles evenly on top and bake for another 35 mins.
Serve warm or chill the blueberry pie with some fresh blueberries on top.





Thursday, March 3, 2011 - 5:42am


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