Fish Pie With Fresh and Smoked Salmon

Category: Main Dishes | Blog URL:
This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.
The five second delay.
You've heard of it regarding TV and radio broadcasting.... When the producers aren't certain the talking heads can keep a civil tongue, so they have a built-in broadcast delay and a kill switch if things get over the top.
That's what it's like all the time for me speaking French.
I got a haircut today.
The conversation went something like this:
She: How much should I cut off?
Me: Blank look for 5 seconds whilst brain scrambles to understand question and formulate answer.
Me: 4 centimeters
She: Do you normally wear it curly or straight?
Me: Blank look for 5 seconds whilst brain scrambles to understand question and formulate answer.
Me: (After saying to self 'Didn't she just look at me when I walked in?') A little curly.
She: Do you want it layered?
Me: Blank look for 5 seconds whilst brain scrambles to understand question and formulate answer.
Me: Yes.
And so on.....
This isn't rocket science.
Had we been discussing Descartes' Theory on the Existence of God I would have a valid excuse for the mental pause.
As we were discussing a haircut it's a bit harder to justify.
After no discussion at all (French or English) mon mari agreed that this Fish Pie bears repeating....