Making your own spice blends is the only way to ensure you are getting the best and most flavorful...
Let me just say that I love bundt cakes -- obviously not as much as everyone who participates in...
Eggnog is the must-have holiday beverage. We begin to drink it in November and don't have...
Rich and creamy, no holiday is complete without eggnog. Sure, you can buy the one from the...
Eggnog muffins are a festive holiday breakfast that are so easy that they can be whipped up any...
How to make your own spiced apple cider. Just add a splash of dark rum and you'll have a...
Elena's Pantry has created this decadent pumpkin bread. Besides the tantalizing taste, the best...
The smell of this spiced pumpkin bread baking will make your mouth water. The air is... Benefits of...
My grandmother's recipe for Swedish meatballs, including a rich gravy spiced with nutmeg.
Creamy soup made with broccoli, carrots, and cheddar cheese. Panera Copycat.
Another of those little things made of habit: with English mixed spices one means a mixture...
Each time I cook with beans or peas a certain saying comes to my mind: “Beans, peas, good for your...
I was first introduced to baklava when I was very little. In my hometown, Ilirska Bistrica,...
So much food to blog about, yet so little time to put it all in writing. This Sweet Bread is...
These little tarts are a wonderful small meal, first-course, or party dish with understated...