Everyone likes warm Brie, but this is hot Brie that you dip your baguette or crostini in while it’s...
A hearty, warm lentil and tomato salad with chilli roasted chickpeas. A delicious vegan meal to...
The sun was past the yard arm when he came in to make a fire. When I asked what I could get him he...
Warm salads are excellent go-to side dishes in winter, providing interesting contrast to a hot...
Deliciously simple way to warm up some fruity and spicy cider on a chilly night! Keep it warm in a...
Possibly the easiest salad in the world, this incredibly healthy combination of iron loving lentils...
The classic Hot Toddy is a cold weather cure-all -- from the chilled bones to the common cold, this...
We may be just on the cusp of November, but winter weather seems to be looming like a storm cloud...
Now that it's officially hot chocolate season, it's time to indulge in a variety of...
So this is quite an exotic soup. I had purchased some cookbooks in Colombia and in one of them...
This sweet coffee drink borrows the flavors of black forest cake
This special occasion pastry is perfect on the dessert buffet or as an elegant finish to a meal...
These muffins have a flavor similar to gingerbread. Can be prepared 1 day ahead: reheat in 350 deg...
You can cut the cooking time in half to bake this as muffins. I like to reduce the sugar a bit (to...