A simple, yet delicious and warming tomato soup. It only requires a few stable ingredients, 2...
A bowl of crunchy snacks definitely does a thing or two for many people.Hot pakoda or bajjis with...
If you love a good, chewy bagel, these Sourdough Bagels will hit every mark! The unmistakable...
It is really a very simple recipe prepared from ingredients which are incredibly easily available...
Pasta In White sauce is a delicious Italian dish made from adding pasta to flour, garlic, milk and...
Cream of Tomato Soup is a thick soup made from tomatoes, cream, pepper, onion and garlic. It is...
Sourdough is the secret ingredient to many delicious baked goods. You may not even realize how much...
For those nights when you have to hit the kitchen running. This comforting snack takes 15 minutes...
These hearty crackers will solve your snack attack like no other.
Smokey, salty and sweet! These pita pizzas are snap to put together and well the worth the...
i love Methi in anything. I love Methi Pakoda.Methi is very good for health as well. I would like...
I like pakodas soooooo much. So i try many recipes. If they are perfect for me i add them here. I...
This is a very simple starter and even a total illiterate on cooking can make it taste great. Such...
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