A really easy and delicious sandwich that can be packed for lunch or breakfast or snacking. The...
Low in calories and rich in flavor. Baked paneer in pumpkin sauce is a healthy and vegetarian...
Panner stuffed pickled chiles from Asian Pickles by Karen Solomon is a sweet and spicy Indian...
This aromatic ‘Paneer and Farro Casserole’ is a delicious meal with all the Indian spices that give...
Instead of the usual turkey and cheese for lunch, try this totally delicious paneer sandwich...
Indian cottage cheese (Paneer) cooked in thick onion-tomato gravy with a touch of kasoori meethi (...
Ras malai, Indian cheese balls in saffron scented milk syrup. Indian dessert loved by all alike....
Paneer is a fresh cheese that is used extensively in Indian cooking to make dishes like saag paneer...
Paneer kathi roll is a one kind of whole meal. Perfect for the evening meal. The rolls can be...
Deliciously flavoured with ajwain and cottage cheese Paneer Shashlik is used as starter.
Find more details at: - http://onecreativekitchen.blogspot.com/2011/01/curried-mustard-greens-...
From some time now I had been thinking of making a new type of mixed veg platter, but didn't feel...
This is a quick fix, Kids love it to, a great party snack if you are short on time & grocery....
Delicious and goes well with all Indian breads