Lady Gaga's Sudden Weight Loss Precedes the Launch of Her New Water Brand

October 20, 2012

Lady Gaga's sudden weight loss is said to have inspired the Mother Monster to create her own water brand. According to a source via New York Daily News Confidenti@l, "“Gaga has been at the center of a lot of attention over her weight increase. Losing her weight in such a short time and launching a healthy water drink may be part of a plan."

The drink brand is expected to launch shortly as her team finishes the marketing campaign. Another celebrity-created water brand recently launched their own version of lip balms.

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Rylan Mede's picture

With all this fuss that were about her weight gain, i cann't belive it could be a part of a marketing plan to launch a water brand, may be then she will promote weight gain and weight loss diets since she can do both well.