Chunky Peanut Butter
Chunky Peanut Butter is made with larger particles of peanuts than the creamy type. It is often preffered by those who want to enjoy more crunch and peanut flavor in sandwiches. Chunky Peanut Butter is also used in cooking to make cookies and other kinds of baked goods.
Translations: Chunky zemesriekstu sviests, Stambusis Žemės riešutų sviestas, Chunky unt de arahide, Chunky Kikiriki maslac, Masło orzechowe Chunky, Chunky Pindakaas, Chunky मूंगफली का मक्खन, Chunky manteiga de amendoim, Коренастый арахисовое масло, Πεπλατυσμένος φυστικοβούτυρο, مكتنزة زبدة الفول السوداني, 통하지, 멍청의 땅콩 버터, Robustní arašídové máslo, Chunky Mani mantikilya, 矮矮胖胖的花生酱, Trossos de mantega de cacahuate, Močen arašidovo maslo, Robustný arašidové maslo, חסון חמאת בוטנים, Chunky jordnötssmör, Здепаст кикирики бутер, 分厚いのピーナッツバター, Beurre d'arachide croquant, Trozos de mantequilla de cacahuate, Кремезний арахісове масло, Paksu Peanut Butter, Чинки фъстъчено масло