Spanish Tortilla

August 2, 2008

Irish girl here loves her potatoes, so whenever I go to a tapas restaurant I am sure to order a traditional Spanish tortilla. Other than its name, the Spanish tortilla has nothing in common with the Mexican corn or flour tortilla. It's more like a thick potato-filled omelet. Layer upon tender layer of potato with fluffy egg to hold it all together. Slice it like pie and serve it plain, with a little dollop of aioli (garlic mayo), or with a bit of carmelized onions.

Put me in a dark corner of a tapas restaurant and I could eat the whole skillet-full myself.

Tortilla EspaƱola
Spanish Potato Omelet

2 1/4 cups sunflower oil
2 1/2 pounds potatoes, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced
8 eggs
2 tablespoons olive oil

Serves 6

Heat the oil in a large skillet. Add the potato slices and cook until softened and lightly browned. Season with salt, remove from the skillet, and drain well.

In a large bowl, beat the eggs and a pinch of salt for about 1 minute. Add the potatoes and gently sir with a fork.

Heat the olive oil in the same large skillet. Pour in the egg and potato mixture into the skillet and spread the potatoes out evenly. Cook until the underside is set and lightly brown. Occasionally give the skillet a gentle shake to move the tortilla around. Invert the tortilla onto a plate, then gently slide back into the skillet. Cook until the underside is also set and browned, also occasionally shaking the skillet.

Serve immediately.



Editor's picture

Would love to use your recipe and photo on our site, with link and credit to you. Just need your OK.

[eatingclub] vancouver || js's picture

Something happens to eggs and potatoes when you cook them in this dish. Spanish tortilla is so much greater than the sum of its parts.