What do You Spread on Toast

October 22, 2009

Are you a peanut butter person? Cream cheese? Honey? Strictly butter and jam? Vegemite or Marmite? Or are you a decadent Nuttella lover? I find this all so interesting. It's different for everyone depending on where in the world you grew up. Myself? I tend to stick to butter and raspberry jam. But on occasion, like this morning, if there is a ripe avocado around, I'll spread that on my toast and sprinkle it with a little salt. Toast is such a humble breakfast but you can make it quite extraordinary with what you put on it. What do you do?

Do you Make Your Own Toast Spread? Here are a Couple Ideas:

Fig Spread on Foodista

Oven Apple Butter on Foodista

Cinnamon Toast on Foodista

Photo by Ms. Tea



Karen's picture

I just found a passion for toast with almond butter. I saw your pic of the toast w/avocado...at first I thought it was green bean casserole! I will try the avocado though...not the casserole! Great post for getting other ideas. =)

krista mills's picture

Cream cheese!!! Yum Yum!!

Melissa Peterman's picture

Hi Karen,

I love almond butter- I never think about picking it up at the store, thanks for the reminder!

marlo's picture

just made some delicious baba ghanoush with the last of the u-pick eggplant. tastes great on toast!

Delphine's picture

Nuttella, nuttella, nuttella... i'm from Belgium and grew up on that. I search 2 years for Nuttella in America, were i live now and finally found it!

Melissa Peterman's picture

Oh Delphine! I'd give my heart to Nuttella any day!

Melissa Peterman's picture

Marlo- I've done hummus on toast but never baba ghanoush! I'm sold!

susan's picture

i'm with you on the avocado spread. never thought of using this until i saw my friend do it. if i have a lemon around i'll add a splash of fresh squeezed, fresh ground black pepper and voila! instant late night snack or early brekkie!

michele's picture
